

Files (Google)

Files is a file management app developed by Google for file browsing, media consumption, storage clean-up and offline file transfer.

Files by Google


Files by Google

2018年5月31日,Google宣布面向中國大陸推出「Google 文件極客」,其為「Files by Google」中國大陸客製化版,同時通過百度、華為、騰訊、小米四家應用商店提供下載。

Files by Google for Android

Look no further. Files by Google (also known as Files Go) is the official Android file management app developed at Google. Now you can comfortably move all your ...

Files by Google說明

開始使用Google 的Files · 關於儲存裝置 · 清理或刪除檔案 · 查看或重新命名檔案 · 將檔案移動或複製到資料夾.

Google Files

Find files faster. No more folders. Find exactly the stuff you want with our smart filters that organize your images, videos, files and more.

Personal Cloud Storage & File Sharing Platform

Learn about Google Drive's file sharing platform that provides a personal, secure cloud storage option to share content with other users.

如何使用Files by Google

清理或刪除檔案. 如要釋出儲存空間,你可以清除應用程式暫存檔案、刪除重複的檔案,以及刪除建議的檔案、螢幕截圖和未使用的應用程式。

Privacy Eraser Free 6.8.2 隱私清理不留痕跡

Privacy Eraser Free 6.8.2 隱私清理不留痕跡
